Monday, May 24, 2010

Egg Drop

My groups ideas were good, we just didn't build our egg drop very well. We had this idea that our parachute would work, but it ended up not being able to hold the weight of the egg, and our popsicle stick thing didn't work as well as we thought it would. If we had built it the right way it might have worked, but we didn't. Our popsicle stick thing was lobsided and the edges were not very high. Then the string that we tied to the popsicle stick thing had one string that was longer than the other which is what made it lopsided, and we didn't figure that out until it was already glued down. Our parachute didn't catch air at all, or else it might have worked a little better.
So if I did it again I would use a trash bag as a parachute because it was strong enough to hold the egg, and it caught air well. Also I would make a box-lik structure like Casey's group did because their's worked really well. I'm not sure if I would have used jello or not because it didn't really seem to serve a useful purpose to me, because I think their's would have worked without jello. Kayla and Maci showed me their's and it had a lot of padding, but it didn't survive the fall in the gym, so that convinced me to go with less padding. One of the other idea's was to have paper around the edges, it worked in the gym, but I can't remember if it worked at the football field. That is what I would do if I could do it all over again!

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