Friday, March 12, 2010

The Holocaust

In Mrs. Moore's reading class we have been learning about the Holocaust and read the Diary of Anne Frank. I have learned about a lot of horrible things that happened to those people, and that the people were not just Jewish, there were Christians and other ways of life too! There were some really awful ways that Hitler thought up to torture people: gas chambers, crematorium's, and some people were beaten to death. You were barely fed and were cramed in with tons of other people in a small room where you had to live. There were also different kinds of camps, death camps or work camps, if you were not strong enough you were sent to a death camp. This is just some information that I learned about the Holocaust.

1 comment:

  1. I know its horrible. Plus i would hate to be exposed infront of everyone. Thats just creepy and its really sad. well ttyl =)
